Sunday, March 10, 2024

Snowy Day in March

After so many wonderful spring weather days this past week of temperatures in the 70's... today it snowed. Well, at least it didn't accumulate. We mostly saw some snow land on the ground and on cars but not on the streets or sidewalks where it just didn't stick. There were a couple of brief moments when the snow came down hard and fast in the backyard but just didn't last very long. Most of the day it was a gentle snow shower.

There was no shoveling and only a little swipe of the snow off a car's windshield. We had a lot of bird activity 

Yesterday was very nice. It was sunny and pleasant. We were sitting in the backyard sunroom and it got up to 82 degrees there.

Tomorrow it is going to be nice too. But right now it is still snowing after 9 pm and expected to snow further into the night.

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