Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Eye Surgery Day 1

Today was eye surgery day for my first procedure on my right eye. This was the eye that was the much worse of the two. The difference in my two eyes was stunning. This is also the eye that has pre-glaucoma and the one I've been treating with drops over the past several months. A few days ago the time of my operation was changed from 10:30 am to 6:00 am because of their concern with my malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. They wanted me to be the first surgery that morning. 

We got up about 4:30 am this morning. Becky got a quick breakfast but I wasn't allowed to have anything to eat. We both had our showers last night. We were out of the house and on the road about 5:15. Becky had already done a dry run to the surgery center in West Seneca on Saturday and was ready. This morning was dark of course but now she knew the route. We ended up getting to the center at 5:45 and we had to wait until 6 for it to open. 

We went into the center and checked in. The we sat in a waiting room. I was taken in at 6:30 where I was processed by a nurse. I spent a half hour getting 24 drops in my eye after getting a quick checkup. Then I had a needle and a set up in my left hand for the drugs. I was also given some things for use after the surgery including an eye protector for sleeping at night. A big pair of sunglasses too.

At around 7 am I med with the anesthesiologist and answered lots of questions about my medical history and the malignant hyperthermia in my record. Also the brain aneurysm surgery and family history. Then the surgeon and a resident came in with similar questions and then he focused on the specifics of my upcoming surgery. He used a marker to make a mark over my right eye which took a long time after the surgery to remove.

At about 7:30 I was put on a gurney table and taken into the surgery room. It took several movements of my body to get me into position on the table so that my eye was in the ideal spot for the surgeon's equipment. Then the procedure began. I really didn't feel any pain or discomfort. The procedure was quick and very psychedelic. Lots of colors as he worked. The resident was standing next to him during the surgery and he was explaining everything to the student as he worked on me. I was aware enough to hear everything he said and it was somewhat comforting and distracting. I was paying more attention to what he was saying rather than what he was doing to my eye although he was talking about what he was doing to my eye. The whole thing was done in about a half hour.

I was taken to a recovery room and Becky was called on her phone that I was going to be ready soon. They also explained to her what was done and what was needed to be done as part of my recovery process. I felt pretty good following the procedure. I even asked to go to the bathroom before getting ready to leave because I knew it was a long drive home. They offered me a drink and I had some water along with a little bag of graham crackers. They soon had me in a wheelchair to take me out to the car when Becky pulled out in front. 

I had the plastic eye protector on and my new sunglasses. I looked a little weird. My glasses were in my personal effects bag.

It was a lot easier driving back in the morning daylight at we were home by 9 am. When we got home I had some breakfast... tea and toast. Then I started on my drops routine and then I took a nap for a couple of hours.

When I got up I felt good. We enjoyed the rest of the beautiful day. Follow-up post op appointment tomorrow.

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