Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween and Snow

Tonight was another cool Halloween on our street and the last day of October so it snowed. Freezing rain too. But that didn't stop the kids from trick or treating throughout the neighborhood. So many cute little kids and the teenagers were very polite. It was cold outside and on the porch and the everyone knew that it was hard on the homeowners to give out treats this year.

We had four houses in a row on our side of the block giving out treats plus two directly across the street. We were a destination for a lot of kids. Our next door neighbor Mark had his usual special Halloween candy dispenser that he put up at the last minute. It was a little different this year in the photo. One of our neighbors around the corner went all out this year with the Halloween decorations and some of them were very creepy.

It was raining early in the evening and we thought we wouldn't have a lot of people coming by but it eased off somewhat and was intermittent. Then it changed to freezing rain and then snow. Big flakes. It went back and forth between rain and snow all evening.

We pretty much ran out of candy around 7:30. There was a little left but we were freezing and tired from going up and down the steps which we did to give out candy because the steps were wet with snow and wet leaves. We didn't want the littles to come up the steps.

The kids were really cute. Becky even got a hug from one of them. We especially loved seeing our little neighbors from down the street.

By 9 o'clock it was snowing hard with big flakes and soon the ground was covered. It was the last day of October.

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