Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Feeling Relieved - Brain Scan

Today I met with the PA from UB Neurosurgery to review my CTA brain scans from Roswell yesterday and to discuss the possibility of cataract surgery. First she determined that both of my aneurysms that they have been monitoring for over thirty years had not changed. The clip is fine and the 3mm aneurysm behind my left eye had not grown any. I was greatly relieved. I had brought the CD from Roswell with me and she with some staff reviewed it along with comparing the new scan with previous scans going back several years. 

It was also determined that cataract surgery would not be a problem for me. The aneurysm was far enough away form the eye and the optic nerve to not be a problem repairing the lens on the eye. I have an appointment with the eye surgeon for later in November and hopefully then we will be able to schedule the surgery. It would be great not to need to wear glasses again. Well, at least not for distance and driving. I probably would still need to my glasses for working on the computer and for some reading situations.

So tonight I am feeling very relieved and can't really describe how it feels to not have to think about potentially having another brain surgery which would have happened if it was determined that the aneurysm near my eye was causing the vision problems.

Now I'm having a beer while watching the Phillies beating the Braves in the playoffs with lots of homeruns.

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