Sunday, October 15, 2023

Bills Mafia

Recently the so-called Bills Mafia fan slogan has been all over social media and on signs and bumper stickers all around town. I've always felt it was stupid, obnoxious and a slur to regular long time fans. Mafia. Really? Isn't that the name for a crime syndicate, a bunch of murderers and thieves that prey on regular people. Aren't they the people behind the illegal gambling, prostitution and protection rackets. Maybe they should call the Bills fans Mobsters. Bills Mobsters.

They could have other names. How about Bills Mob, Bills Crips, Bills Bloods, Bills Triad, Bills Cartel, Bills Gestapo, Bills Yakuza, Bills KGB, Bills Thugs, Bills Ninjas, Bills Cultists, Bills Syndicate, etc, etc. I could go on and on but you get the picture. Why name your fan organization after an evil entity known throughout history for brutality and crimes against everyday people.

I recently looked up the origins of the Bills Mafia and was surprised to find that it began about ten years ago because some fans on Twitter considered them "bad guys" for getting blocked for being obnoxious. So it began with a tweet. It was a joke and then it became about shirtless drunk dudes jumping off of cars onto burning tables during tailgating in the parking lots. The guy who coined the phrase Bills Mafia has now become a celebrity and recently was used in a TV commercial for a local business. Really?

Now I like the name of the Phillies fan group... Phillies Nation. 

Some other fan groups:

  • Dawg Pound - Cleveland Browns
  • Bleacher Creatures - NY Yankees
  • End Zone Militia - New England Patriots
  • Bleacher Bums - Chicago Cubs
  • World Order - Minn. Vikings
  • King's Court - Seattle Mariners
  • 7 Line Army - NY Mets

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