Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Wastelands: The New Apocalypse

Wastelands: The New Apocalypse. A collection of stories edited by John Joseph Adams, 2019.

Finished reading in December 2020. This is the third volume of his series on dystopian stories. This brilliant collection by current authors brings together tales of living during the apocalypse that destroys life as we know it today.

I'm not always big on science fiction collections of stories. I usually like more plot and a deeper story that evolves in the telling. Many of these stories seemed like they were just getting started and it was over. They may have been very good but I wanted to keep reading, I wanted to know more about their world and their situation. Fortunately, not all the stories here were doom and gloom and despite the apocalyptic themes there were many tales of hope at the end. There were also many very contemplative stories with a wide range of points of views and perspectives. There were also a few stories that a little boring and went nowhere except take place at the end of the world. 

Overall, it was a good collection of stories but I wonder what I was doing reading this stuff during our own pandemic. Maybe I was thinking how much worse things could be. It also make me look back on my readings of dystopian novels and books about plagues that I've read not just this year but over the years. I've read a few.

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