Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Did you know... that you may...


Finally over. The Medicare open enrollment period ended yesterday and today there are no more TV ads.  For about two months we have been bombarded with the incessantly nonstop obnoxious ramblings of commercial health insurance companies attempting to lure uninformed seniors into purchasing their additional Medicare supplement programs. 

We watch a lot of news programs and of course the companies chose these shows for their ad campaigns that have targeted seniors on Medicare. And I do mean targeted. There were at least six different companies running these ads and they were all long and rambling. All but a couple of them made themselves to look like an official statement of information from the Federal government all dressed up in red, white and blue. Very misleading. The ads would go on and on and would keep repeating the same misleading statements over and over again. It was always did you know and you may get this benefit or you may get that benefit but they weren't saying that you had to buy into their program. They must say their phone numbers at least 6 times per ad. It's sad that health care is such an issue in this country. Even a nice benefit like Medicare doesn't do enough and people are still preyed upon by profit seeking health care companies.

They were definitely preying on peoples' ignorance and lack of information literacy. Do they think everyone over 65 is a low information trump supporter?  I'm so glad that open enrollment period is over. 

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