Saturday, December 12, 2020

Random Album Effect - Living

I started this random album effect selection with a Carole King live album The Living Room Tour from 2005. I've always loved the music of Carole King and Tapestry is one of my favorite albums. This live set contains live versions of most of the songs from Tapestry. This double disc album was very popular partly because it was apparently heavily promote at Starbucks. It really is a very nice album.

The next album to come up was Canned Heat's Living the Blues which I bought on vinyl back in 1968. I had just discovered this band and bought this record and their Boogie with Canned Heat also from 1968. The Living the Blues was a double LP with the hit Going Up The Country and also another song Refried Boogie Parts 1 & 2 taking up both sides of an LP. Well, I hadn't listened to that album in its entirety in a few decades. It was awesome.

Then suddenly I was listening to the Swedish pop band Peter Bjorn & John's fifth album 2009 release Living Thing which was quite the change and a little more electronic and dark than their previous albums although there was still some catchy pop tunes. It was a pleasant listening.

The last album in the group was Matthew Sweet's 2004 release Living Things which was his ninth album. I've always liked everything that Sweet has released over the years. This album was a fascinating mix of summertime psychedelic excursions and satisfying power pop with a Beach Boys flair. A very listenable album and a nice way to end this random album effect session.

  • Carole King - The Living Room Tour, 2005
  • Canned Heat - Living The Blues, 1968
  • Peter Bjorn & John - Living Thing, 2009
  • Matthew Sweet - Living Things, 2004

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