Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve

We've had a long tradition of hosting a dinner and party on Christmas Eve for our family here in Buffalo. Becky has always worked hard to bring off this annual event. We would usually have between twelve and fifteen people for the dinner. Then we would exchange gifts with our guests. Sometimes others would stop by later.

Katie and Todd would be staying with us for the week and Sean and Ashley would usually stay overnight with us too.

We would exchange gifts with our kids in the morning after breakfast.

Christmas Eve was very special when I was a kid. I sang in the St. Francis of Assissi school choir in the early 60's and every year there was a special concert of holiday hymns and songs before the midnight mass. Me and my brother Tom would both be wearing our special little red and white pope suits for the occasion. Afterward we would go home and were allowed to open one gift.

Dad would be putting some toys together with a highball at his side. The tree would be decorated and the trains running. Plus I didn't have to get up and go to church the next morning. Life was good.

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