Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Violet & My Ear

During our recent trip to Philly and visit to Katie's family in Mt Airy I had the experience of little 9 month old Violet fascinated with my right ear. Nearly every time I held her she would start to rub my ear, scratch it, pull on it and pinch it. I usually picked her up and carried her on my right side so it was always my right ear that she played with. In particular, it was my ear lobe that she went after. Perhaps because it was a little fuzzy with ear hairs. I know she always likes to play with something with some texture. My ears have texture.

I'm always trimming the hairs coming out of my ears and I also need to run my razor over my ear lobes and actually up along the sides of my ears. I somehow have developed lots of hair on my ears as an old man and this little girl is fascinated with the texture of my ears. She grabbed them almost every time I picked her up.

The picture here is me holding Violet and she is not messing with my ear. She was but we got her attention diverted to her mommy taking the picture. I'm standing next to one of Becky's paintings.

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