Saturday, October 29, 2022

Bass Clarinet

During my high school years I played the Bass Clarinet in the North Catholic concert band and then again in the Souderton High School band for one year. I started out playing the regular clarinet in grade school and on into high school. I played the clarinet in the marching band.

When I was nearly 12 I joined the Uptown String Band which was a Mummers Band and I started out there playing the clarinet. After about two years I switched to tenor saxophone. I also played the tenor in the Souderton marching band. I briefly tried playing the bass clarinet in the string band but it was too subtle of a sound and didn't really blend in with the other instruments.

I liked playing the bass clarinet in the concert band because it was a lot different than the regular marching band where being loud was the most important characteristic of the band. The concert band had a much greater range of sounds and volume. There were many times when there was a subtle bass clarinet solo happening. Usually there was only one or two bass clarinets in a concert band. I liked doing it. I never owned that instrument like I did with my clarinet and saxophone. It was always just on loan from the school.

I haven't touched a bass clarinet since the spring of 1969. 

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