Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Tooth Fairy

Our six year old grandson Henry lost his first tooth yesterday. It was an important time for him as he was one of the last kids in his first grade class to not have a gap in his smile from a missing baby tooth. Now he is proudly happy and another one is ready to go soon. He had been wiggling that tooth for what seemed like weeks. The tooth was gone but also not found. The family did wonder a bit about where the tooth ended up. Hopefully Violet didn't find it on the floor.

Last night he got a visit from the tooth fairy and was happy to find a five dollar bill under his pillow. 

I thought about losing my baby teeth back in first grade and our family visits by the tooth fairy. I remember finding a quarter under my pillow. That was a significant amount of money for a six year old back then and with 25 cents you could buy five candy bars down at the corner store. 

Update: Henry lost his second tooth but still nobody could find it.

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