Monday, November 13, 2023

No Dog For Us

Becky and I have never had a dog in our home. That would be our own dog. There was a time back in 1976 through part of 1979 where when we lived on Seymour Street with two huskies that belonged to our housemate George B. That was it. Those dogs were Bean's responsibilities and we really had nothing to do with them except hang out with them sometimes, pet them and put them outside which is where they really wanted to be most of the time. They mostly lived in their big backyard dog house or more likely in a den under it. Tarrak and Strider liked to kill cats and they were good at it using some impressive teamwork. The cats would come into yard to kill pigeons and the pigeons came into the yard to eat the dog food. It was tooth and claw out there and sometimes got noisy.

We had many reasons for not having a dog after we moved out of Seymour Street and on to Buffalo. We have always traveled a lot and we both worked a lot of hours including some nights. What were we gonna do with a dog. Then we had kids and were making regular trips to Philly. 

Becky and I also didn't grow up with cats or dogs as kids although my mother did get a cat in the house during my teenage years but I mostly ignored it. Becky has always been allergic to cats so that was out of the question. I never liked the idea of putting a dog in a crate all day while at work. I just don't know how people can do that. I also never liked the idea of a dog following me around the house all day. Now I've always been fond of Katie's dog Stella and we have watched her at our house a lot when they have been in town over the years. I didn't mind her following me because I knew it was just for a couple of days. I couldn't stand to have that happening all the time. They are just too demanding. Wanting attention, food, snacks, barking, making messes, wanting to be on your lap or snuggled next to you. I just never craved or wanted that kind of attention.

I would also never want the expense of these pets too. I keep hearing horror stories from other family members about the money they have spent on their cats and dogs. Cats are completely out of the picture because of Becky's cat allergy. Katie's allergic too.

It's funny that both of our kids have had dogs. All of my siblings have had cats or/and dogs too and I think probably all of our nieces and nephews. Mom and MomMom certainly had enough cats over the years in the house on Evergreen. There were many years when we could no longer visit Mom at that house because of the cats. Becky and Katie could not tolerate being in that house anymore because of the cats. Tom and Mom weren't cleaning up after them enough. Tom and Dan continued that tradition.

There have been some times over the years when we have considered getting a dog. We've seen friends do it after the kids have left the nest. Dave and Donna got a dog, now they have two, but the first time I saw Dave chasing their dog with a rag to wipe the shit off his ass convinced me no way would we get a dog. Then right after that the dog swallowed something and it cost several thousand dollars to clear the dog's digestive track. Yikes.

I have never felt the need or want an animal to greet me at the door. Force me to take them outside in any kind of weather, etc. Nope, no dog for us.

It is still very sad that Katie and her family recently lost Stella after being with the family for nine years. I wrote about Stella here.

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