Saturday, November 18, 2023

Beautiful November Day

We had a spectacularly beautiful day today. It was a little cold but very sunny and now wind. The blue sky was beautiful all day. Today and for the past few days on my FB feed I was seeing memories postings of this day and others around this time with lots of snow on the ground. Turkeys running around the yard too and the birdfeeder covered with several inches of snow. 

I did a little clean up of leaves this morning and checked out the backyard cabana but it was only in the 40s temperature. Then by the afternoon the sun was hitting it and the temps had climbed up to 70 in there. I grabbed my laptop, notebook and tablet and set myself up in there for the afternoon. I spent about two hours in there. It was wonderful. I'm looking forward to more days like this throughout the winter. A backyard refuge.

I spent a lot of time today sitting back there watching the birds and squirrels do their fall thing. I was surprised how many woodpeckers and juncos I saw. Still no rabbits which is very unusual.

Today I put the birdfeeder up and filled it with seed. I hadn't done it before because the weather this fall has been nice enough most of the time that the birds really didn't need the seeds yet. However, I put it up today so that there would be birds around the feeder by the time the kids come in a few days for the holiday weekend.

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