Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pausa Art House

Last night we had a wonderful evening at Pausa Art House sitting safely by ourselves at the end of the bar near the open door drinking wine, eating tapas and listening to live Latin jazz from the other room while surrounded by Becky's artwork.

It was also the first time in over six months that we have sat at a bar. The only reason we did that is because we were the only people at the bar. There were other folks in the back room listening to the live music but there was no one else in the front bar room except Lazara the owner and the person preparing the food behind the bar. They both wore mask at all time and he also work gloves while working with the food. Lazara had previously told Becky about all the work she had done with making the restaurant/art gallery/music hall safe in the covid world including a new air filtration system.

We were also sitting at the very end of the bar next to the window and there was an open door next to us with plenty of air coming in. We felt very comfortable and safe.

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