Thursday, August 25, 2022

Speed Hump Installed

Today the contracting company for the city installed several speed humps in our neighborhood including two on our block. The one that was originally scheduled to be installed directly in front of the house next door was eventually moved two doors down the street due to the vehement complaints from one of our neighbors which I described in an earlier post.

The work was completed today and we were pleasantly surprised that the humps on our street are significant smaller than other ones we have seen around the city. They also had an easier incline that was definitely not as high as other speed humps. We haven't driven on this hump yet but although it does require a slower speed it does not have that car rattling height that cause problems and was the main reason for our neighbor's objection.

I watched the construction throughout the day and the various phases and then when it was all done before rush hour I sat on the porch and watched the reaction of the many commuters. It was fun. Most cars slowed down at they approached the hump but some just barreled through like it wasn't there. They won't last long on this route.

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