Friday, August 12, 2022

Dan's Phone Call

A few days ago I got a phone call from my brother Dan. It was on Monday and Katie and the kids had just returned earlier in the day from there couple of days staying in the downtown hotel to see Todd's brother and family. We were sitting around our dining room table having some dinner when I got the call which I answered right away and walked into the other room. I just had a feeling something was wrong. 

Dan then told me he was calling from the hospital. He went in there the previous night for a foot infection. Marissa took him down to Temple U hospital Sunday evening where he spent several hours in the emergency room and then was admitted. He told me the infection came on suddenly and was very serious. He was given lots of medications to fight the infection and was scheduled for surgery the next day. The infection had apparently gone into his bloodstream and probably into the bone as well. He told me he may lose his foot. I was shocked. He said his foot had swollen up and was very gross. He offered to send me a photo but I declined. Then he started on the foot puns starting with one about needing a toe truck. Apparently he was going to lose at least his big toe and possible the whole foot but was hopeful it would be just the toe.  

Becky could tell from my facial expressions that something was very wrong. I didn't want to talk about it in front of the kids and especially the ever inquisitive Henry. We talked about it later after the kids were out of the room. 

So on the following day Dan had his surgery and fortunately they did not have to take his foot but he did lose his big toe. He lost a lot of blood too and had some kidney issues from the blood loss.

Then I had phone calls from Lizzie and Marissa giving us their perspective on Dan's situation and his recovery. He would need to spend a few more days in the hospital and then at some point go to a rehab center.

I talked do Dan again later in the week and he seemed to be in good spirits and not in any significant pain except at the site of the surgery. 

We also had some online family conversations with FB messenger and some text messages. One thread contained lots of foot puns and I admit to adding a few but that is what Dan wanted to see.

Update: 8/17 - Marissa contacted us and Dan will be leaving the hospital tomorrow and going to a rehab facility in Havertown. I was talking with him on the phone on Tuesday night and was hoping to hear this good news from Marissa today. 

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