Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Dinner at Kosta's

This evening we decided to go out to dinner at Kostas over on Hertel Avenue and we invited Dick and Iris to join us. This had always been a popular restaurant for both families for many decades especially since we all lived nearby. Every time Katie and Todd are in town visiting family they try to make time for a visit to Kostas for some Greek food. It was only natural for all of us to get together for a nice dinner together there. Becky and I had not been there in a couple of years.

We went over there around 6 pm and they seated us in one of the large round tables at the rear of the dining room which was a really good spot for us. On the way to the table each group of us, and there were three groups, came in past the booths and saw Dave and Donna sitting there having dinner which was a great surprise. Apparently they had just returned today from New York City where they were babysitting their grandson Sonny for five days while Jim and Cassie were at a wedding in Europe. They were also very surprised and happy to see us. We invited them to come by this weekend for dinner at our house where they could see Katie and the kids.

So we all ordered our favorite meals. I was going to get my usual chicken souvlaki salad but instead got the chicken souvlaki dinner because I wanted the Greek potatoes and some leftovers. I was really surprised at how big the dinner was on the plate. I took the picture here after I already had been eating for awhile. I knew immediately when it was served that we were going to have some serious leftovers from this meal. 

Everyone had a wonderful dinner. The kids ate spaghetti and meatballs. We didn't have deserts. It was a great family time with all four grandparents at the table. 

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