Monday, August 1, 2022

Bug Bite

Becky got a bug bite. Bugs bite her a lot but this one was different and she got an allergic reaction to it that included itching, swelling, rashes and shortness of breath which happened almost immediately. 

We had been cleaning the house and getting ready for Katie, Todd and the kids who were coming tomorrow. We were taking a break and sitting out in the backyard. I had been out there a few minutes and Becky decided to join me but first she lit a bug coil to keep the mosquitos and bugs away. After she sat down she almost immediately got bit by something which she felt painfully right away. Neither of us saw the culprit and we had no idea what kind of bug bit her. We later decided because of her reaction that it must have been a wasp.

She went inside after the bite and I stayed sitting in my chair. A few minutes later she called me in to describe her reactions to me. She knew she needed some antihistamine and sent me to the pharmacy to get some Benadryl. She asked for liquid or pills and I quickly went over to Walgreens and spoke to the pharmacist. I picked up a pack of pills and also a bottle of Children's Benadryl which was the only liquid they had in stock. The pharmacist said to use the maximum dosage for an adult. I brought the meds home. Becky called me on the phone as I was coming down Crescent Ave and I told her I was on the way. She was feelin stressful about the symptoms. I was thinking about going to the hospital.

She took some of the liquid right away because it would get into her body fast. Then she took one of the pills. She gradually felt better and the symptoms were showing some relief. If she hadn't immediately showed signs of improvement then we would have headed over to nearby Sisters Hospital. Her breathing improved right away. As the afternoon went into the evening the swelling had gone down, the rashes faded and the itching stopped. We had a sigh of relief. There was still a little discoloration around the site of the bite but overall the improvement was significant. We both felt much better when we went to bed.

Update 8/2

The improvement continued today and Becky contacted her doctor's office to report the problem and get additional advice. The nurse said she had done everything right under the circumstances. If she had gone to a hospital emergency room they would have treated her with an epipen for quick relief and then would have sent her to a pharmacy for some Benadryl. Becky is going go ask her doctor for a epipen script to have on hand in case this happens again. We will also make sure we always have both Benadryl liquid and pills in the house and to take on vacations.

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