Monday, March 28, 2022

The Oscar Slap

We had no motivation to watch the Oscars this year as usual but this morning the only thing we really heard about the show last night was Will Smith assaulting comedian and host Chris Rock for telling a joke he didn't like. He took issue with the joke about his wife and walked up to the stage and slapped the host across the face. The Slap that was heard around the world.

The weird thing too is that an hour later he was on the stage accepting an Oscar win. How the hell does that happen? At the very least he should have been escorted out of the theater by security or police for the violent act he committed on live television that was broadcast around the world. There is also video of him later dancing and partying while holding his Oscar. I guess movie stars think they can get away with anything. This is the guy who complained about his violent father. He has also tried to portray himself as some kind of defender of black women and there are people who are justifying his violence on that issue. Well, there are ways to do that besides walking up to someone and slapping them in the face.

According to the news and police statements, Chris Rock has declined to file assault charges against Smith. Really? What about the award show producers? Can any member of the audience now go up on stage and assault a member of the show?

Take it a step further. What Smith has been allowed to do could really be done by anyone who doesn't like a joke or feels offended by a comedian on stage. Just go up there and punch him or her out. An assault for an insult is now OK. Especially on live TV in front of millions of people. Or maybe this is just OK for the Hollywood elite.

The Academy should take back that Oscar. They should not reward his boorish and violent behavior. There are a lot of people defending Smith's actions but they are wrong...IMHO. It is also a symptom of mental illness when you can't control your impulses. Will Smith clearly has emotional problems. Well, taking back the Oscar that they gave him is harsh and just maybe they should expel him from the Academy. Let him keep his little statuette but purge him from the books. Ban him from future Academy events and activities. Finally draw a line. BTW, purge Weinstein while they are at it.

Last night as usual we didn't watch the Oscars show. Sometimes in the recent past we might have turned it on for a little peek at the later in the night but we haven't sat there all night and watched the whole show in many years. Part of the problem in recent years is where to watch since we cut the cable cord about five years ago. We could jump through some hoops and maybe watch the network on our antennae but we haven't tried since we got the new smart TV a few months ago.

Last year's Oscars was the least watched Academy Awards Show in the history of television.

Update: Will Smith issued an apology on Instagram where he called his behavior "unacceptable and inexcusable". He went on to say "I was out of line and I was wrong" and also that "violence in all forms is poisonous and destructive". He also included in his note an apology to "the Academy, the producers of the show, all the attendees and everyone watching around the world."

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