Thursday, March 17, 2022

How I Spent St. Patrick's Night 2022

I spent most of the late evening researching my Irish family tree on Ancestry while drinking some beers and listening to a mix of science fiction themed songs from my collection playing loud while wearing headphones. Good times after spending a lot of my day getting and installing new phones and a new phone carrier. Fun. Wow.  Becky was watching Brit Box crime shows. Later in the night I watched some NCAA Tournament basketball.

Earlier today I was coming back from the phone store and I was driving down Hertel Avenue. I guess happy hour had started because all of the bars had their outdoor patios overflowing with people wearing green clothes and hats. Lots of people in green walking down the street too. Luckily it was a very nice warm day too.

I've never had green beer in my life and I really have not worn anything green on St. Patrick's Day in many decades. I've always considered going out drinking and partying on St. Patrick's Day to be amateur hour. Maybe it was growing up in a Philly neighborhood full of Irish or Italian or black people and all of the Irish activities that happened in our school. I've never liked going to the St. Patrick's Day parade whether in Philly or in Buffalo. It always seemed like a big excuse for pubic urination. All this coming from a person whose sister had a DNA test of 97% Irish. So I guess I'm a lot Irish too. My time spent recently doing genealogy has shown that too.

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