Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Glass of Beer - Go-J

Go-J Soul Ale from Druthers Brewery in Sarasota Springs, NY. Sean have given me several pint cans of beers from this brewery located near his home. I've enjoyed them all. This particular can has been sitting around here since the summer just waiting for that perfect time to drink it. It was delicious. I've always had a fondness for a good sour over the past dozen years or so. It's an acquired taste that I developed and have enjoyed. Especially in the summer. At 7% ABV this brew is a little stronger than the usual sour ale that generally run about 4%. 

Today was a good day to drink this beer because it was the last of the warm weather days of this Indian Summer we are currently enjoying and this great weather will be gone tomorrow. It was such a beautiful day today and I spent most of it in the backyard doing the last of our fall chores and preparing for winter.

It was actually 78 degrees today and sunny. A perfect day to drink a sour ale. 

This is Happiness indeed. The book in the photo is a wonderful story of a man growing up in a very rural countryside Irish village. A very fascinating tale.

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