Thursday, October 13, 2022

Bugs in the House

When we returned from out trip to Philly recently we came home to a house full of bugs. Little gnats or fruit fly like bugs. Apparently they were on some of the plants that we brought into the house from the porch before we left on the trip. We usually bring the plants in a little later in the season but this time because we were traveling we thought it might be better to bring them in early in case there was a freeze while we were gone. 

There were these little bugs everywhere in the kitchen especially around the kitchen sink but also upstairs in the bathrooms. We went on a killing spree but the buggers were hard to get sometimes. Becky ordered some of those sticky things to get them and they have worked to some extent. 

We also had a few regular flies in the house. Now they were here for a while and I think we got them when the kids were visiting and going in and out of the door so much. It kind of reminded me of our house growing up with the flies coming and going all the time. I wrote about those house flies here but this new problem was very different.

So we have had those little bug killers in the house for a couple of weeks now and they are working. We are seeing less and less of the bugs but they are still around. Sometimes they fly around your head and bother us. They also liked to get into Becky's coffee maker because of the moisture so we are always swatting them away from it or checking it before making coffee in the morning.

Things are getting better. The house gets cooler at night which may be helping to keep the bugs under control. There are not as many as last week. 

Just got two more in a kitchen cabinet door.

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