Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday Morning Races

The first thing I did this morning after getting out of bed was to check out the runners going down the street past our home as part of the annual Buffalo Marathon. Then I went downstairs and put on the TV to watch the second day of the Tour de France.

Watching runners from the porch chairs and cyclists from the couch. This will gone on until late morning when the Tour de France will wrap up for the day with a winner and the stragglers running along Crescent Avenue will slowly come down to the end.

It's a hot day for a race in Buffalo and it was 82 degrees by 9 am. I was sitting on the porch with a cup of tea and the NY Times as the runners went by and it was eventually too hot sitting in the sun. I had to escape to the living room fan and the race along the rugged coast of northern France. I'm sure we will have the AC on later today.

The Tour de France will go on for three weeks and it is back to it's regular schedule. Last year because of Covid it was postponed until September and there were very few spectators.

The Race down our street was somewhat different than other years. By late morning in was approaching 90 degrees and many of the runners were slowing down or walking. There were many stragglers. There were also significantly less runners in this race because of Covid than other years.

The crash yesterday caused by a spectator holding a sign created a strong negative feeling over the race and there seemed to be more crashes yesterday and today. The police are looking for the sign holder and people seem to be more aware of the dangers of interfering with the bikers in the race by jumping out beside them as we've seen so many times over the years. Maybe this will finally put a stop to all that folly.

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