Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Radical Masker

The Right Wing media has stepped up their attacks on Dr. Fauci and have started calling him the Radical Masker. Somehow the right wing now thinks that because Dr. Fauci, being a physician and a scientist, did not and could not give definitive answers about the virus early on when there was not a lot of knowledge about it that somehow he was intentionally misleading the public. There attacks on him have taken place after the release of emails where Dr. Fauci and other doctors were discussing different possibilities where the virus was appearing in different situations. 

Fox keeps talking Dr. Fauci's web of deceit concerning what had been going on in China. Nobody knew exactly what was going on in China and of course there was speculation and talking about different possibilities among a group of scientists. That's what they do. Look at different theories and discuss it in a group or across emails. Fox is just displaying their anti-science bias and ignorance again.

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