Monday, June 14, 2021

Flag Day Find

I found this old flag the other day while looking into the rafter storage area of our backyard cabana/shed building. It was in the original long box from Valley Forge Flag Co. and must have been put away when the flag went to 50 stars in 1959. We had no idea it was up there all these years in the roof above us while we were hanging out listening to music and spending countless hours in the enclosed screened. I needed a ladder to get up into the rafter storage places and there is still more stuff up there. I will need to move some more things around in order to get the ladder close enough to inspect some of those areas.

We were surprised at how well preserved it was after being up in that box for over 60 years and who knows how many years of use before that. There were a few little spots of bird droppings on the flag. A neighbor said the previous original owners of this 114 year old house always flew the flag.

Becky will probably sell the flag on e-bay along with a few other things I pulled out of that shed.

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