Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Winter is Here

Yesterday we had some snow and this morning we woke up to more snow. Fortunately not a lot of snow but just enough to let us know that winter is here. It also became a beautifully sunny day today but cold and windy. Becky and I went for a walk through the neighborhood and we were bundled up and masked.

Pandemically speaking this is also the time of great consternation and the most dangerous time with the continuous uncontrolled spread of the virus throughout the country. This is the third wave or second or whatever depending on who is saying what and where they are located. All we know is it is bad.

It's been almost a week since Thanksgiving and the hospitals are getting full everywhere. People are getting sick. People are dying. The president is ignoring everything except his fundraising off the lies about the election he keeps spreading. It's amazing how much those people believe him and send money to him. The grifter knows his suckers. Pathetic. 

It's December so I put up the birdfeeder. The first one. Mark also put up the feeder next door. We very much enjoy watching the birds at the feeders throughout the winter months. We'll enjoy it even more so this winter of staying at home.

Today I sat in our backyard sunroom. In previous years I've always shut down the room for the winter after taking out the screens and closing all the windows. I would fill the room up with yard tables, chairs, wheel barrels, planters and lots of stuff. This year I systematically stored everything more carefully in the shed and actually got most everything in there. I have easy access to things that we may need including the snow blower.

The sunroom has lots of space now. I put the porch chairs in there and that is where I sat today doing some reading and writing. I've been going in there all summer and fall. I still have a table and chair set up for using my laptop. It's very comfortable in there now.

The sun was out this afternoon and it actually felt warm in that room with the sun beating down on the windows. I also had the stereo on too. Nice. I thought it would be nice to have that space available for us throughout the winter since we would not be going anywhere. It was another place to be and where we could enjoy the outdoors while staying warm. We also have a heater that can be used in that space if it is really cold and the sun isn't out. We can see Mark's birdfeeder from the sunroom.

I'm hoping to spend some time there this winter. Even Christmas Day. It will be a strange Christmas this year. We've already all discussed the family not getting together for the holidays. It will be tough. Becky and I decided to get a small Christmas tree in a pot this year and then plant it in the backyard in the spring. A pandemic tree.

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