Sunday, December 13, 2020

Monsters of Misinformation

America has been infected by another virus. Perhaps even more dangerous. A virus of misinformation that is spread by a group of Monsters of Misinformation. The president of the United States is the biggest monster and certainly the most dangerous because of all of his misguided followers.

He is supported by the likes of QAnon, Breitbart, NewsMax and of course Fox News. Or should I say he supports them. That would certainly be true of QAnon which probably owes it's popularity among conspiracy theory nuts to trumps constant retweeting of their lies and crazy conspiracies.

Studies have shown that trump is the biggest source of misinformation about Covid-19. His response to the pandemic has been a total embrace of misinformation.

He has made Russian style misinformation propaganda a central figure of politics in America by putting out every lie, half-truth and conspiracy theory in every available channel so that the public cannot trust information and would believe anything could be true. He spread misinformation through social media, traditional conservative media, weaponized lawsuits, partisan politics and the presidential bully pulpit. He somehow has convinced the majority of republicans that Biden didn't rightfully win the election.

He is a traitor to America.

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