Saturday, October 31, 2020

Winter is Coming


The expression Winter is Coming is much more meaningful this season and goes way beyond any reference to Game of Thrones. Yesterday there were some flurries in the air.

And there is a sense of dread in the air. People are worried about the upcoming holidays. We are too. We had tentatively planned to travel to Philly for Thanksgiving and to help celebrate Clara's second birthday but in the end we decided that we did not want to risk traveling by airplane at that time. We also found out our airplane tickets that we purchased last March would still be good until December 2021. So we decided to avoid the holiday travel and drove down to spend time with Katie and Todd and the kids for ten days in October.

Over the years we had been spending Thanksgiving at Dave and Donna's house but this year we are not going there even though we will stay in town this year. They always have had a big crowd but not this year. They will have a small immediate family only dinner and we will too. 

We are thinking the same will probably happen for Christmas too. We've always had people over for Christmas Eve dinner at our house and we have usually gone to Tom and Diane's on Christmas Day for dinner. Not this year. Maybe Katie and Todd will come to Buffalo but that will all depend on the virus contagion at the time. Same with Sean and Ashley. We may be staying with us for a few days but we don't know yet.

There is lots of speculation that there will be another virus spike after Thanksgiving because so many people will ignore the pandemic guidelines have interact with their families over the holidays. It's probably a good time to hunker down.

There is also a fear of the long winter isolation. Throughout the past spring, summer and fall we had the option to sit on the porch or the backyard. They were places of refuge. We could get out of the house. Go for walks throughout the neighborhood.

There is also the problem of keeping busy. Becky has her studio and artwork. I will continue to write in this blog about all kinds of different things and I will read more books, watch some movies and TV shows and spend some time upstairs with my keyboard.

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