Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Voted Today - 2020

Becky and I voted today. We waited in line outside the Gloria Parks Community Center for about an hour which wasn't so bad. In fact it felt good to be part of that crowd.

The picture is the voting line where we stood. 

People all over the country are standing in lines like we did to vote the monster out of office despite the pandemic he so incompetently allowed to get so much more worse than it should have been. The madman puts his power grab over the lives of the nation and even his supporters.

Earlier this evening there was a story on the news where he left hundreds of supporters standing around in subfreezing temperatures waiting hours for transportation from his rally. He famously said that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue in NYC and his supporters would still stick with him. Apparently he could shoot down his supporters' families in the street and they would still go to his rallies and support him.

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