Friday, October 30, 2020

Jack O' Lantern


Halloween 2020. Last weekend, when we were in Philadelphia visiting Katie and Todd, Becky carved a couple of pumpkins while Henry and Clara intently watched the process. Then the candles were lit.

On Saturday the kids got dressed up in their costumes and were taken to the zoo where they had registered to join the annual Halloween party that was scaled down, socially distanced and spread out over several weekends. They had fun and got some candy. Traditional trick or treating was not planned.

Here in Buffalo traditional trick or treating was being discouraged by the government although some people were loudly exclaiming on social media that they were taking their kids out hell or high water. Another example of the virus becoming political again.

Becky and I discussed the Halloween and virus situation and decided not to give out candy this year. We are just not comfortable interacting with people on our porch this year and really did not feel comfortable encouraging people to let their children put other people at risk. There are other more creative ways for folks with children to have a holiday celebration without going door to door in their neighborhood. 

It's sad but safe and especially now that there is a spike in infections happening everywhere as another wave of the virus sweeps over the country. 

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