Tuesday, October 6, 2020

USS Little Rock 2020


This is the first year that I've gone down to the Little Rock and did not go onboard. It hasn't been open this past spring, summer and fall because of the pandemic. Actually this photo is misleading because there haven't been crowds like that at the Liberty Hound either. Becky and I were at the Liberty Hound in September and I wrote about it here and wrote about the USS Little Rock in 2017 here.

I go down to the Little Rock every summer or fall by myself to go onboard and walk around. I salute the flag on the quarterdeck and I walk throughout the ship. I go down to the engine room, the berthing spaces, the mess decks and especially to the dental office to look at the chair I sat in to have my wisdom teeth removed back in 1972. I generally wander around and somewhat relive an important part of my life. I can hang out there for as long as I want. I sometimes go to the other ships. USS The Sullivans which is a destroyer and submarine USS Croaker but I mostly spend my time on the Little Rock.

Afterward I usually stop at the Liberty Hound for a bite to eat and a beer. The Liberty Hound is known for seafood and local craft beers. I've had some interesting conversations with other people there who are from all over the country to see the Little Rock.  When I'm down there with Becky we don't usually have conversations with anyone other than the restaurant staff but when I'm there by myself I'm just another old salt going back to his past.

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