Monday, October 16, 2023

Sean & Andrew

So yesterday we spent a wonderful Sunday hanging out with our son and grandson. They arrived along with Ashley and her dad at around 1 pm. Fuzz was already itching to get to the stadium although the game wasn't starting until 8:20 pm with the parking lot opening for tailgating at 4:20 pm. 

Becky had done some food shopping before their arrival and we had lots of good sandwich makings for them which they enjoyed for lunch. Me and Becky and Sean then took Andrew for a walk around the neighborhood in his stroller which he loved. Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating and it started to drizzle. The forecast called for rain off and on all day and into the evening for the game.

By about 2:30 Ashely and Fuzz were out the door and on their way to the stadium. They had to stop at Wegmans and get some food for their many hours of tailgating. Andrew wasn't taking a nap and was very exciting about being with Grammie and Papa. I had gone upstairs and brought down the castle and the stuff associated with it along with a container of cars and trucks. Andrew wasn't interested in the castle this time and immediately went for the trucks and construction vehicles. He never did play with the castle at all.

Becky made a nice dinner of hamburgers and sweet potato fries. Then it was more trucks and lots of reading books with Grammie for Andrew. He was also very excited to see the pictures of his cousin Henry on the table. He watched some of his shows on the television and then it was bedtime around 8 and Sean took him upstairs. Sean wasn't up there with him very long and then it was time to watch the Bills game which turned out to be an ordeal. 

The plan for the day was Sean and Andrew spending time with us at the house and for Ashley and Fuzz to go to the game. They were expecting the game to be a blowout and thought that they would be able to leave at a reasonable time to get back to our house around 11 pm. The plan was to get up around 5:30 am on Monday and be out the door and on the road by 6 am. They wanted to be home by 10 am because Sean had an online meeting for work at that time.

The game was very stressful and the Giants were ahead when they finally forced themselves to leave the stadium. They got back to our house around 1 as planned but the game was far from decided and actually wasn't until the final seconds of the game around midnight. Thankfully for them the Bills did win otherwise it would have been an extra long drive home.

We got up with them a little before 6 and said our goodbyes. Andrew was a little out of sorts waking up in a strange bed and not at home. They were gone by 6 am and Becky and I went back to bed.

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