Thursday, August 17, 2023

Physical Therapy This Time

I asked for it. Going to physical therapy at this time was my idea. My left hip had been bothering me for a couple of years and had recently flared up with some serious nerve pain. I had been taking some pain medicine from my primary doctor for a couple of years. I was prescribed Meloxicam for the pain and also Pantoprazole to protect my stomach from the pain meds. It had mostly until recently been under control. I've aways kept moving continued to get some exercise. Becky and I have been walking a couple of miles through the neighborhood almost every day and I have also been riding the standing exercise bike.

After the recent flareup of pain I contacted my doctor through the patient portal and asked for a referral for physical therapy to get the pain under control. This was in mid July before we went on vacation with the kids. The doctor required me to come in for an appointment to evaluate my hip which was then done by the PA. I was given steroid meds to hold me over on vacation and an X-ray was scheduled for my hip which I got in late July. They determined that I had arthritis of the hip.

Then I started physical therapy at Advanced Care Physical Therapy on Main Street in the same building at my doctor's office instead of the place out on Maple that I had gone previously. I went to five sessions and they worked me out for an hour each time. My back was feeling worse. I continued to do the exercises at home but my back and the hip pain was making it harder to do anything. It was even hurting more taking my walks. I had to cut back.

I talked with my doctor who recommended taking a break from the PT and then get evaluated again later when I was feeling better. It felt like the PT people were treating me for one part of the back pain but not the overall nerve pain. My leg was getting more painful and numb at times.

So I'm taking a break from the PT even though I was scheduled for several more sessions. I am still doing my stretching exercises and trying to walk as much as I can. We'll see how it goes. The doctor says I might get an MRI of my hip to determine what else is going on besides the arthritis. I am sure at some time I will go back to PT but not at that place again. I will go back to the PT center on Maple that previously helped me and Becky with back problems. I just really just don't trust the ACPT guys right now. We'll see how it goes.

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