Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November Indian Summer

It's hard to believe that it is almost mid November. It's the 10th to be exact. On this day last year Buffalo had over eight inches of snow but this year over the past few days we've had near record temperatures and beautiful sunny days.

The really good weather actually began the day the presidential election was called for Biden over Trump. People in cities all over the country rushed outside on that warm Saturday afternoon and danced in the streets in spontaneous celebration parties. The gatherings continued into the night and the weather cooperated. It was awesome.

Sunday was another beautiful day and the celebrations in the streets and parks continued all day. For Becky and I Sunday was also a day to catch up on our garden work and prepare for the coming winter. We got a lot done. 

Yesterday, Monday, we decided to spend the afternoon down on the waterfront. It felt like summer. We had a wonderful time at Wilkeson Pointe walking around and then sitting in our chairs that we brought with us. Then we went down to the Outer Harbor and enjoyed more of that great warm weather. It was especially nice that because of the deep frost earlier in the month there were no bugs anywhere we went. 

Later we went over to RiverWorks and had a couple of beers and dinner on the outside patio overlooking the Buffalo River we a nice view of downtown. It was an amazing way to spend a November afternoon.

We got home at about 6pm but it felt like much later because of the time difference. It was very dark and really did seem like it was 10pm because that kind of day doing those things was usually something we did during the summer or early fall when the days were much longer.

Today was another wonderful warm day. It will probably be the last one until spring. The weather is expected to get more seasonal tomorrow and over the next few days before turning cold and rainy. So today I spent some time sitting in the backyard enjoying some more of this Indian Summer while writing in my notebook with music playing through my headphones. The sun started going down behind the surrounding buildings around 4:30. It was still warm and there were no bugs here either. I was very pleasant to sit there.

Later after dinner it was still warm outside and Becky and I went for an evening walk through the neighborhood. We were surprised at how many people had their Christmas decorations and lights up already. We could see Christmas trees in some of our neighbors windows. Maybe it's a pandemic thing.

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