Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Cataract Surgery Scheduled

I spoke with a rep from Ross Eye Institute and we scheduled my cataract surgery. It was an interesting conversation and we covered a lot of issues. We initially were planning the surgery for early February which is what I had been expecting but then I brought up my problems with my dislocated shoulder and hip issues which are needing physical therapy that may have an affect on my eye surgery recovery time. She also said that after the surgery I would need to not do any lifting or snow shoveling. We then both agreed it would be better to schedule the surgery for mid March. 

We would need to be at the surgery office two hours before the scheduled procedure. Initially she was scheduling me for an 8:30 am time slot which meant being there at 6:30. I asked about the location and it turned out to be in West Seneca. So after considering my options for a bit I told her the best time for my wife and me would be late morning or early afternoon for the surgery. We settled on a 12 pm surgery which would mean we would need to be there at 10 am. It would take about 20 minutes to get there. It turns out we were just there in November for Becky's colonoscopy procedure which was at 7:30 am. So we know about the traffic issues and going there after morning rush hour and leaving before afternoon rush hour works for us.

The March timing is also better weatherwise potentially and also for our possible travel plans. This would give me plenty of time for recovery.

I talked with Betsy this evening and talked with her about my cataract surgery and I knew she needed the surgery again too but found out she is having her surgery next week. 

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