Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March 2022 - 2 Years In

It's March first and we are looking forward to setting our clock back to daylight saving time. Spring is coming. It is also two years into the pandemic. It really started happening in January and February 2020 but it was in March when the country really realized the seriousness of the global pandemic that was really going to affect every American too.

We were still going out in early March and I remember going to art openings where people were joking about bumping elbows instead of shaking hands. We went to Pausa Art House after the opening and hung out. We went out to dinner a couple of weeks later and caught hell from our kids. A day later things were officially shutting down all over the country.

It's been a crazy two years. Each time we think things are getting better and the virus is receding along comes another mutated variation and everything gets bad again. Even being fully vaccinated doesn't seem to keep the virus at bay enough for us to get back to kind of normal life pre-pandemic.

However, overall we have been fortunate.

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