Wednesday, March 16, 2022

First Garden Day

It was a warm and sunny day today. I was out in the backyard doing some garden work for the first time this season. I started by clipping back some old sweet pea stalks as a rabbit suddenly ran past me which I somehow disturbed. There were more sweet pea stalks in the front garden too that had spent the winter clinging to a holly bush. I clipped and removed them too.

Everywhere I looked I could see the beginnings of spring plants coming up around the yard including daffodils and tulips. We have snowdrops scattered around which is interesting in that Becky has never planted any in our yard. I saw some worms on the ground and where there are worms there are robins and sure enough I also saw my first robin of the season today.

Behind the bushes in the front, down in the corner snuggled between the the stone foundation of the porch and the front steps was a little pile of snow that still existed in this cold, sheltered, dark spot. I was surprised to see any of it around although I did see some snow piled up in a parking lot earlier in the day. But it was a very nice day in the backyard.

I started picking up some sticks laying around the yard. They were everywhere and way too many to pick up individually bending down. I knew I was getting to old for that so I grabbed a rake and went to work. I eventually had six piles of yard debris scattered around the yard that I later put into the trash bin. Fortunately it was also trash day too, well, not exactly since the city picks up our trash tomorrow but I always put the trash on the curb the evening before trash pickup day.

I was out working in the yard with no jacket on. It really was warm and probably in the low 60's. After I finished cleaning up the piles of yard debris I sat in our sunroom for a bit and it was actually hot and stuffy in there. I had recently put a thermometer in there it at first it said 78 degrees. The sun was shining on the room and after sitting there awhile it soon said 80 degrees and I opened the door to let a breeze in the space. It was still a little early to open the windows and unseal the space yet. Tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny and the mid 60's. That should be nice

Becky and I went for a walk through the neighborhood after dinner tonight which is one of the great things I love about the change of season in the spring after daylight savings time. Speaking of which the Senate today voted to permanently have Daylight Savings Time all year long. That really does make sense since the Standard Time of was originally imposed to aid the farmers getting up early. The bill to make the change still needs to go through the House and then get signed by the President. We'll see.

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