Sunday, September 22, 2024

World Within A Song

World Within a Song: Music That Changed My Life and Life That Changed My Music by Jeff Tweedy, 2023.

I just finished reading this very interesting and inspirational memoir of Wilco front man Jeff Tweedy. Reading this now sort of made me want to write about the albums in the recent Album Challenge I was selected to participate in this past week in a more detailed and personal experience manner rather than just posting an album cover. He writes about songs that have deeply influenced his taste in music throughout his life and indeed about his life itself. I enjoyed reading this book very much.

He is about 16 years younger than me and his perspective on a lot of the music he writes about was very different from mine own and we grew up in very different environments. However, music was important to both of us.  And of course his being a successful musician and bandmember creating music that I have been listening to for about 37 years also greatly influenced how I perceived this memoir.  I have about 30 of his albums counting the different bands that he has been part of over the years including Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, Golden Smog, Loose Fur and Tweedy. 

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