Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Kids @ The Piano

For the past several years both Henry and Clara pestered me to take them up on the third floor to play "the piano" which is our electronic keyboard that Sean left with us. Henry likes to play the basic keyboard but Clara loves to get a groove on with one of the prerecorded soundtracks and then she plays along with that. She makes it sound good too. 

Last Christmas I took Violet up there to play "the piano" for the first time. She remembered and wanted me to take her up there again this time. Now I also use the keyboard as a distraction if the kids are getting into some trouble with each other. I'll just say for instance "Clara, let's go upstairs and play the piano". She will immediately drop whatever she is doing and head for the stairs. She loves that keyboard. 

We had been reorganizing the third floor in recent weeks as we get ready for Becky to move her art studio from the Hertel Avenue location to up on our third floor. In that process we moved the keyboard to the other side of the room. When the kids went up on the third floor for the first time this trip they first wanted to see Grammie's studio in the other room. Then they went into what was the music room and were immediately concerned when they didn't see "the piano" in it's usual location. But then they
were fine once they found it, sat down on the bench, turned it on and then began playing.

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