Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1st - A Summer Day

It really did feel like the first day of summer today. We started right away getting ready for a day of gardening and getting ready for heavy pickup this coming week. Today was also the Parkside Yard Sale Day although we were not participating I did put a few things on the street that we thought yard sale folks may want and the stuff was free for the taking. We put out one of Becky's old easels and a large painting canvas. Within minutes of putting it out there a woman walking by expressed interest both items. She went home and got her car and about 20 minutes later she loaded them into her car and expressed her thanks. I also put out a large and a small art portfolio that Becky had used in the 1970's. The small one went quickly to a neighbor and the big one which was not in very good shape is still out there. We also put out about a dozen pairs of stretcher strips. 

In the meantime I gathered up all the stuff that we are putting out on the street for heavy pickup tomorrow and put in the backyard where I can get to them easily. We have many things going out there tomorrow including old boards and book shelves, a couple of blow up portable beds that don't work anymore, a floor lamp, some computer cases, random metal strips, curtain rods, a metal basket and lots more art stuff. 

Then we did lots of gardening and I helped Becky move some things around. Before lunch we went on a nice walk through the neighborhood and saw a lot of folks having their yard sales. There were lots of people putting out their heavy pickup a little early too.

The garden is really looking good now and we are almost done with it for now. Becky always has a June 1st goal for getting the garden ready for the summer with her plantings and pots.

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