Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jacked Up Biden

On TV today I saw a story about Fox and other right wing "news" media outlets preparing their viewers for the upcoming presidential debate between Biden and Trump by describing the drugs that he may be on to make him alert. Apparently back in January at the State of the Union address they were caught off guard by how well Biden came across on television when giving his speech. Back then they started saying that he was jacked up on enhancement drugs and that was why he was stumbling around the stage making a fool of himself. Now they are saying over and over again that Biden will be "Jacked Up" with performance enhancement drugs. MSNBC ran some clips where Fox hosts were over and over again very excitedly exclaimed that Biden would be on drugs for the debate. Trump himself has been going on and on about Biden using supplements to get "jacked up" and said he would get a shot in the ass before the debate. Sean Hannity shouted on Fox that he full expected a return of "jacked-up joe" for the debate.

If Trump or any of the right wings so called hosts start talking about Biden taking drugs then maybe someone should bring up Trump's diapers.

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