Sunday, May 28, 2023

Another Marathon on the Street

Today was another marathon race through out neighborhood and down hour street. It was a beautiful warm day. We get the Buffalo Marathon coming by every Sunday during the Memorial Day Weekend. It's always interesting to sit on the porch for awhile and watch the runners passing by. Last week we had the Slow Roll bike ride with over 900 cyclist riding by our house but that only took minutes. The marathon runners takes hours.

Usually the first runners we see are the African contingent but not this year. For some reason they weren't there in the race. Instead of that large group in the very beginning we saw the runners coming past one by one and them more and more as the time went by. We also noticed not very many women in the early stages of the race but many more later. I also like watching the folks towards the end of the race and the stragglers. They are the ones really trying to make the race. We are also probably only about a quarter of the way into the race and it's already interesting to see the people struggling along about two hours into the race.

There were a lot of neighbors out on the street and porches clapping, yelling and banging on noise makers throughout the morning. Our new older neighbor across the street was particularly loud with her hooting and hollering throughout the morning. She really tried hard to interact with the runners as they came by her house.

Our new neighbor across the street was

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