Tuesday, December 6, 2022

@ 71

Today is my birthday and now I'm 71 years old. Now it's no big deal about another birthday except I will be seventy something for the next nine years until I turn 80 in 2031. Now that really seems far away. In the meantime Becky got some cupcakes for my birthday and tomorrow night we will go out to Tappo for dinner. In the meantime I'll have a Guinness tonight and play with the new portable wireless speaker I got myself this week.

We just met with our financial advisor on Zoom recently and we discussed how to make our retirement income last us into our 90's. Really? I'm happy to have made it to my 70's and now I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll make it to my 80's. I'm not even thinking about my 90's although I am because two of my uncles made it to their 90's and Uncle Jack is out there although in a nursing home.

I've spent most of my life thinking that my aneurysms would get me long before old age. That always seemed to be a given... until it wasn't. I've been very fortunate to have lived long enough to meet four grandchildren. It makes me very happy and also motivates to keep writing. They will read this someday.

But it is getting harder with so many new aches and pains. Harder to bend over, to carry laundry upstairs, and lots of other chores. That being said we are still doing a lot better than many other people around our age that we know including both family and friends. I really can't complain. 

Now I get to relive the 70's again which was a lot of fun the first time.

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