Friday, June 25, 2021

New Granddaughter

I had a very happy Father's Day this year that included a surprise announcement from Katie that she was pregnant and we would be having another grandchild. We had to keep the information to ourselves for a few days. Henry was actually the family member to give us the good news. We were doing a video chat and I was trying to ask him about the family party they attended the previous day but he kept excitedly bouncing around the room eager to tell us something. Finally he got the chance and announced that his mommy has a swirly stomach because she was having a baby. 

A few days later Kate had some testing done and was assured that the baby was healthy and also found out she was having another girl. Katie also gave us the OK to tell family members the good news.

Henry has been telling everyone he meets about his new sister on the way including the people at his school, day camp and people in the neighborhood.

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