Thursday, December 21, 2023

Last Time - 50 Years Ago Today

50 years ago today was the last time I wore this uniform. I was released from active duty on December 21, 1973 having completed my four year enlistment although I did have two more years in the Naval Reserve but was inactive that entire time. It was nice to have a Christmas at home too.

50 years ago today was also the last time I woke up in my bottom rack of a triple bunk, ate chow on the mess deck, used the ship's head, heard reveille and taps, saluted the flag on the quarterdeck, wore skivvies, said aye-aye sir, grabbed some geedunk, put stuff in a ditty bag, drank from the scuttlebutt, and packed my sea bag. Well, I did continue to wear bellbottoms and my peacoat. 

This was also the last time I saw most of my friends and shipmates. People who I shared some very unique experiences with at sea and around the world. 

Three of my four years in the Navy were spent living on board warships. Both the USS Portland LSD-37 and the USS Plymouth Rock LSD-29 were amphibious assault ships based out of the Navy's Amphibious Base at Little Creek, VA with a mission to land Navy and Marine Corps special forces on a beach by boat. I got to know a few of those guys too who also lived on our ship for months at a time. 

Most of my time at sea was spent as part of the Caribbean Ready Group with a couple of long Mediterranean Sea cruises in the mix that were long extended training exercises for our embarked troops and interactions with our naval allies in the region. I worked in the engine room as a machinist mate.

It's hard to believe that all that happened over 50 years ago now. It was an incredible experience but I was glad to get out, go home and get on with my life. I bought a house in my old Germantown neighborhood of Philly from my great aunt's estate and enrolled in Temple University in their Communications and Film Studies program. College didn't cost me anything with the GI Bill and a state program for veterans. I also had great part time and summer government jobs for veterans that I could walk to from my house.

Then I met Becky a couple of years later. 

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