Thursday, July 22, 2021

Judgmental Uninformed Bigot

Of course it started over getting a Covid-19 vaccination. Fox had all their staff vaccinated but continue to rile up their base against it and anything the Biden administration is doing to combat the pandemic. The trump admin did practically nothing and especially botched early testing to determine the extent of the plague. Fox likes to brag about how great trump did with vaccines with operation warp speed but how do they then turn around and tell their sheep not to get vaccinated. They are really saying that trump's warp speed was a dangerous product that should be avoided for health purposes but is really a political ploy. And the fox viewers suck it up and start calling other people judgmental uninformed bigots for calling out the fox lies.

It felt strange to be called a judgmental uninformed bigot. I spent 30 years in the professional library information field in both public and academic libraries. My career has been devoted to getting accurate information to people regardless of their political persuasion or academic pursuit. I've always been involved in the search for knowledge and not the pursuit of some political agenda or conspiracy theory involving known liars, grifters and scammers.

I've also noticed that in the fox news world they are claiming that anyone who doesn't agree with the conservative right wing trumpian view of reality is a judgmental uninformed bigot. They are especially using that expression in the context of an America that is turning against people who refuse to get vaccinated because of political reasons.

Yes we are making judgements about people who for selfish political reasons are refusing vaccinations claiming it is their right and a protection of their freedom to choose what they want for their bodies. Yep, like they suddenly support a woman's right to choose what she wants for her body. I doubt it. Are they ok now with anyone getting drunk and driving because why should someone tell them what to do. Or wearing a seatbelt. Or smoking in a theater. Or driving through a red light. On and on the list can be endless but we being judgmental uninformed bigots for wanting people to get vaccinated or wear a mask in public.

The right wing social media machine spews all kinds of hate and misinformation about non-white people, immigrants, poor people, gay people, science, pro-choice people, facts, educated people, etc, etc. They get upset when they are called out for it and call the people criticizing them judgmental uninformed bigots. LOL.

And then there is their thing about socialism. Every time there is a government program implemented to help people they go crazy about socialism. Let's remember how long all those red states that would have never had electricity without government programs back in the day. How loud would the anti-socialism scream if the government stopped their Social Security and Medicare programs they depend on. A bunch of puppets on a fox string being jerked around from some billionaire foreigner who paid Ronald Reagan to ditch the Fairness Doctrine.

I would suggest that Democrats in Congress start talking about trying to curb red state socialism by requiring all states to not receive more in federal government funding than they pay in federal taxes. You get what you pay for and states like New York should not pay for benefits going to red welfare states like Kentucky that have leaders ranting about liberal socialism.

It always cracks me up when I hear fox bragging about their ratings and how they are the most popular news network. In reality it is them against everyone else. The non-right wing is divided up among many other corporate networks and NPR which they have labelled the so called liberal or mainstream media. If there were just two networks... right wing fox and not right wing then the ratings would be much different since the vast majority of viewers are divided between the various networks in the mainstream media.

It's like that way in support for trump and his bogus election fraud claims. They brag about 70 some percent of Republicans support trump but fail to mention that republicans have now become a tiny minority of Americans that are in the low 20 percent of voters. What a joke.


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