Sunday, September 20, 2020

Tour de France... over

It's sad not coming downstairs every morning and turning on the Tour de France. I did it every day for three weeks and it was comforting in this time of fear, chaos and uncertainty. It was nice watching the tour instead of the news. 

We didn't watch every moment of it. I was often in the other room on my laptop or doing something around the house but the Tour was on the TV. The voices were in the background. I could walk in anytime and sit down to view the race action or the wonderful scenery as it was revealed by the camera on the helicopter.  The camera action throughout the race is truly amazing. I wonder sometimes how those guys on the backs of motorcycles operate the TV cameras so efficiently while weaving in and out of the action along the race route.

There was always plenty of drama and strategy. I've been watching the race for about eight years now but it's only been the past few years that I've learned so many of the race nuances that make it so entertaining. It was a fun experience this year.

The race was postponed from its usual running time in late June early July until September because of the Covid Virus. It was interesting to see the effects of the virus on the race. All of the participants including the riders and support staff were tested several times throughout the race and wore masks when not actually riding. All the interviews were conducted with masks. It looked like almost all of the spectators wore mask and there were places along the route where the amount of people were strictly limited. 

But not always and there were some fears that fans along the route would spread the virus like this jerk with his mask down and getting close to a racer.

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