Monday, September 21, 2020

Keeping Busy

It's been over six months since the pandemic shutdown began and it has certainly taken its toll on everyone. For us it hasn't been as bad as other folks since we are retired. It intensified some of the retirement experiences and eliminated other things we had been doing like going to restaurants and traveling. We also miss being able to see our children and grandchildren as much as we would like although we did spend some time with them this summer.

I've spending a lot of time sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop. I was getting neck and back aches and eventually moved one of our comfortable desk chairs down to the kitchen which has improved ability to sit at the computer for long periods of time.

The kitchen has always been an important room in our home. I didn't want to go up to one of the upstairs rooms with a desk and chair to spend time at the computer. I wanted to be in that room that has been so central to our life. Sometimes Becky is in the other room watching a movie while I'm in the kitchen working on mixes, listening to music, or writing. The only thing I don't do in the kitchen is read and for that I have a nice comfortable chair in the living room. Of course I also read in the backyard and the front porch but for the coming winter I'll be in that living room chair.
Here are some of the things I've been doing to keep busy...

Writing blog essays on a variety of categories
Reading lots of books
Watching TV series and movies
Playing long concerts on YouTube
Work around the house and in the yard
Listening to music
Making mega mixes
Taking a walk everyday with Becky

Becky going to her studio doing art work and preparing art of her exhibition in October
Buying and selling on eBay and Etsy. Doing research on pots, dishware, etc.
Becky misses going to estate sales which she hasn't done in six months.

I have a keyboard upstairs but have not sat there and played very much since the shutdown started. I don't know why.  I played it a lot more during my first couple of retirement years but seemed to have lost interest.

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