Sunday, January 2, 2022

Peril - MAGA Dystopia

Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, 2021

I finished this book last week lying in bed relaxing after another day taking care of Henry and Clara while Katie and Todd were still in the hospital after the birth of little Violet. 

Fortunately I finished most of this book before we suddenly were called to come to Philly for the early birth of our newest grandchild.

It was a quick read up until that late December road trip. I had read an earlier book of Bob Woodward's on Trump a few years ago... Fear: Trump in the White House from 2018. There are several others I should read but the last book of his I read before Fear was All The President's Men back in 1974.

Much like Fear, Peril was Bob Woodward at his best doing what he really knows how to do and that is exposing presidential malfeasance in office. It was an interesting look into the end of the Trump presidency, the first days of the Biden Administration, the 2020 election and the aftermath, the pandemic and the economic crises.

It was an interesting collaboration with Woodward's fellow Washington Post reporter Robert Costa. I also really need to read Woodward's other book on Trump written between Fear and Peril... Rage from 2020. 

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